SC Charter Chatter
Welcome to S.C. Charter Chatter, where we focus on moving charter schools forward in South Carolina. In each episode, we’ll share best practices for schools, discuss the hot topics, and talk to those who help transform the landscape of public education in our state. This show is hosted by the Public Charter School Alliance of SC.
SC Charter Chatter
Nina Rees | National Alliance for Public Charter Schools
In episode 12, we talk with the President and CEO of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools. We discuss the latest happenings inside the charter community on the national and state levels. We talk about the importance of school choice, and the opportunities charter schools provide for families and students. Nina shares her passion for education and how she became an advocate for charter schools all over the country. Plus, she updates us on current legislation that could affect charter schools in South Carolina and how all supporters can champion schools in their communities.
Nina Rees is the president and chief executive officer of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, the leading national nonprofit organization committed to advancing the charter school movement. Since joining the National Alliance in 2013, Nina has enhanced the organization’s stature in Washington, D.C., deepening relationships with members of both parties in Congress, multiple presidential administrations, and across the nonprofit and advocacy spaces. Over the course of her tenure, annual funding for the federal Charter Schools Program has grown from $254 million to $440 million.
Connect with Nina & the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools:
Nina Charters on Twitter
National Alliance on Twitter
2022 National Charter Schools Conference
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Email the show at podcast@sccharterchatter.org