SC Charter Chatter
Welcome to S.C. Charter Chatter, where we focus on moving charter schools forward in South Carolina. In each episode, we’ll share best practices for schools, discuss the hot topics, and talk to those who help transform the landscape of public education in our state. This show is hosted by the Public Charter School Alliance of SC.
SC Charter Chatter
Unifying Education | With Inspirational Speaker Chris Singleton
In this episode, Kevin talks with inspirational speaker and SC native Chris Singleton. The former minor league baseball player and now nationally renowned speaker shares his heartbreaking story of losing his mom in the 2015 Mother Emanual Church shooting in Charleston and how he turned that tragedy into a message of resilience, forgiveness, and unity. In addition, we talk about staying focused, understanding others, and positively living the mission of education! Chris is also the best-selling author with two published children's books, Different and Your Life Matters.
When speaking, Chris's overall mission is to inspire his audiences with his story of resilience and unite millions of people with his belief that "Love is Stronger Than Hate."
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Email the show at podcast@sccharterchatter.org