SC Charter Chatter
Welcome to S.C. Charter Chatter, where we focus on moving charter schools forward in South Carolina. In each episode, we’ll share best practices for schools, discuss the hot topics, and talk to those who help transform the landscape of public education in our state. This show is hosted by the Public Charter School Alliance of SC.
SC Charter Chatter
More Federal Money | Understanding ESSR III & How Best To Spend It
Learn more about the latest round of federal money headed to schools through the 2021 American Rescue Plan. Kevin is joined by this episode's guest co-host, Christy Wolfe, the Vice President of Policy and Planning at the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools. We discuss the nearly $122 billion dollars allocated for K-12 education, how much money your school could see, the timeline to spend that money, and what you should be using this money for. Listen for free here.
Things we mentioned:
ARP Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)
ARP Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief – Homeless Children and Youth (ARP-HCY)
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Email the show at podcast@sccharterchatter.org