SC Charter Chatter
Welcome to S.C. Charter Chatter, where we focus on moving charter schools forward in South Carolina. In each episode, we’ll share best practices for schools, discuss the hot topics, and talk to those who help transform the landscape of public education in our state. This show is hosted by the Public Charter School Alliance of SC.
SC Charter Chatter
Being Intentional | Josh Trahan, Fox Creek Charter School
In an interview with SC Charter Chatter, Fox Creek principal Mr. Josh Trahan discusses his perspective on the upcoming school year and the preparations made by the teachers and staff at FCHS. Reflecting on the 20-year history of Fox Creek, he shares insights on the school's origin and how it has achieved success in educating students while fostering a strong bond with the local community. During our conversation, Mr. Trahan also emphasizes the significance of the charter school movement for the public school system.
Josh Tahan is a longtime advocate for public school choice and Fox Creek High School administrator. Fox Creek High School is located in North Augusta. FCHS aims to graduate students who will positively impact their community. The goal is to create an interconnected learning environment that combines a demanding college-preparatory education with the many resources of the CSRA.
Connect with Mr. Trahan & Fox Creek:
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